Those more interested in battling can now implement custom rulesets, allowing friends to engage with their own series of house rules.
Other items of note in this update include the increase in players in the Union Room, which allows players to show off some more of their wares. While cloning glitches appear to come and go repeatedly, this at least keeps the clones from branching out into the competitive space. Nintendo is rolling with "unintended methods or illicit modification" as the official phrasing.
Fixed some issues for more pleasant gameplay. Some Pokémon acquired via unintended methods or illicit modification now cannot be used in Link Trades or Link Battles. In the Colosseum, you can set rules, such as the number of Pokémon to send into battle as well as their levels, and play Single Battles, Double Battles, or Multi Battles via local or internet communication. Enter the Colosseum on the 2nd floor of a Pokémon Center to battle with other players using custom rulesets. Additional Colosseum battle feature has been added. Also, by selecting Greeting or Capsule Decorations, you can show each other your Trainer Cards or Capsule Decorations. The maximum number of players you can play with via local or internet communication in Union Rooms has been increased. Union Room functions have been expanded. Here are the full 1.2.0 patch notes for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl's latest update, courtesy of the Nintendo website: Of course, a lot has changed in the series' 25 year history and through the magic of patches (the 1.2.0 one, specifically), Nintendo has been able to bring the latest cloning glitch under control. While Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl didn't have anything on the level of MissingNo, the Switch remakes did have a similar glitch pop up. The mainline Pokemon games have had their share of fun glitches over the years, dating all the way back to Generation 1.